
ELYSATOR – a Swiss pio­neer in water technology
ELYSATOR – a Swiss pio­neer in water tech­no­lo­gy Hein­rich Ricken­bach, born in Zurich in 1931, com­ple­ted an app­ren­ti­ce­ship as a metal worker and mecha­nic. In 1950, straight after the trai­ning, he foun­ded his first com­pa­ny for the con­s­truc­tion and main­ten­an­ce of faci­li­ties rela­ting to water tech­no­lo­gy. He found tech­ni­cal sup­port with his brot­her, who had com­ple­ted his stu­dies as an elec­tro­nics engi­neer at Win­ter­thur Col­lege. It was reco­g­nis­ed ear­ly on that elec­tro­che­mis­try would play a lea­ding role in the future of “water engi­nee­ring”. It pro­mi­sed, in many cases, to be more eco­no­mic­al and eco­lo­gi­cal than tra­di­tio­nal water che­mis­try. But the begin­nings were dif­fi­cult; eco­lo­gy had not yet been queried and years of rese­arch and deve­lo­p­ment pas­sed befo­re the imple­men­ta­ti­on on of the in some cases visio­na­ry ide­as of the two brot­hers. In 1971, with the ELYSATOR® for hea­ting sys­tems, came the first gre­at breakth­rough. Oxy­gen dif­fu­si­on through pla­s­tic tubing beca­me the tech­ni­cal scour­ge of the first gene­ra­ti­on of under­flo­or hea­ting. Che­mi­cal inhi­bi­tors fai­led and the elec­tro­che­mi­cal pro­ce­du­re tri­um­phed. And so the pro­duct gave the com­pa­ny its name: ELYSATOR.
1970 The deve­lo­p­ment of the ELYSATOR® and foun­ding of ELYSATOR AG in Zurich
1988 Reco­gni­ti­on of the ELYSATOR® as “sta­te of the art”
1991 Foun­ding of a sub­si­dia­ry in Germany
2004 Deve­lo­p­ment and regis­tra­ti­on of PUROTAP®
2010 Spin-off of the lar­gest water labo­ra­to­ry for the SHK industry
2013 New buil­ding in Bil­ten (Gla­rus regi­on of Switzerland)
Deve­lo­p­ment and patenting of SorbOx®
Our loca­ti­on
At the begin­ning of 2013, ELYSATOR moved from Wol­ler­au to Bil­ten in the Gla­rus regi­on. The pro­duc­tion and admi­nis­tra­ti­on buil­ding was com­ple­ted in just 8 months. In addi­ti­on to the steel con­s­truc­tion which hou­ses two halls cove­ring 1200 m² for pro­duc­tion and logi­stics, the­re is an adja­cent 3‑storey admi­nis­tra­ti­on buil­ding in a con­ven­tio­nal solid design with a flo­or space of 1‘000 m².
Manu­el Ricken­bach: “We are com­mit­ted to Switz­er­land as our pro­duc­tion loca­ti­on. With tech­no­lo­gi­cal­ly advan­ced pro­duc­tion sys­tems, inno­va­ti­ve pro­ducts, com­ple­te logi­stics, con­sis­tent qua­li­ty assu­rance and strong cus­to­mer sup­port which includes trai­ning and tech­ni­cal con­sul­ta­ti­on, we ensu­re an ide­al price/performance ratio and satis­fied cus­to­mers – which is why we are the mar­ket lea­der in Switzerland.”

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