H2O GUARD® 60v
Latest-generation corrosion protection device for heating and cooling systems
Four types of protection
- Automatic pH control
- Permanent degassing
- Magnetic flow filter
- 300 µm suspended solids filter
All types of heating and cooling circuit – old and new buildings, small and large systems
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Modular Design
Durch eine Parallelschaltung (Tichelmann-System) von mehreren Geräten erhalten Sie für jeden Systeminhalt und Volumenstrom eine optimale Auslegung.
Easy maintenance
The large, easily accessible flange makes maintenance very straightforward and extremely convenient.
Energy saving
The whole device is encased in thick, high grade EPP insulation. This saves energy and money. You will also conserve resources and the environment.
Guaranteed durability
The tank is made from stainless steel. This guarantees a long service life (15-year perforation corrosion warranty).
The H₂O GUARD® 60v is highly flexible. It can be used at full volume flow as well as within a bypass circuit.